Puerto Asis, Putumayo. October 21, 2020 – In response to recent declarations by the Association for Sustainable Integral Development of La Perla Amazonica (ADISPA) indicating that La nueva Amerisur denies the figures of the Peasant Reserve Zone and the Association, the Company informs that:

  1. La nueva Amerisur recognizes the Peasant Reserve Zone as a valuable instrument in the social and environmental classification of the area. Since starting its activities in Putumayo, the Company has sought and created opportunities to promote respectful dialogue between all actors in the territory, including ADISPA, as well as to discuss its projects and resolve its neighbors’ concerns.
  2. The Company has signed a contract with the State through the National Hydrocarbons Agency in which it committed to carry out seismic acquisition activities for oil and gas exploration in the PUT-8 block in accordance with contractual provisions as well as the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development’s Basic Environmental Guide for Terrestrial Seismic Exploration Programs and the Environmental Guidelines for Terrestrial Seismic Exploration Studies of Corpoamazonia, the Corporation for the Sustainable Development of Southern Amazonia.
  3. To develop the seismic acquisition project in compliance with environmental legislation, La nueva Amerisur prepared environmental management measures that were approved in December 2019 by Corpoamazonia. All Company activities have environmental licenses and/or permits granted by the relevant authorities.
  4. In line with the principles of transparency, promoting citizen participation and dialogue processes, La nueva Amerisur has held 32 community meetings since February 2020 to provide information and discuss projects. Almost 750 people took part, including representatives of Community Action Boards and 16 villages that neighbor the project, who expressed their interest in making community benefit agreements related to the seismic program.
  5. La nueva Amerisur states that a social investment project to drill deep wells to supply water to approximately 165 families from 5 villages in the rural area of Puerto Asis was arranged directly with the representatives of these communities, in response to their perceived needs regarding their difficulties in accessing a resource as critically important as water. This project will be implemented with the necessary social and environmental due diligence, as stated in the minutes of the meetings in which this matter was discussed.

Since it started leading oil exploration and production projects in Putumayo, La nueva Amerisur has worked hard in creating spaces for dialogue and promoting the participation of all its neighbors in its projects’ information and discussion processes.

The Company invites the general public to express any doubts or concerns about the seismic project by calling +57 310280 8098 or sending an email to atentosputumayo@amerisurresources.com.


For further information, write to informacion@amerisurresources.com