Puerto Asis, Putumayo. February 12, 2021 – Since it started working in Putumayo La nueva Amerisur has operated responsibly, respecting and promoting the human rights of its neighboring communities and direct and indirect workers to ensure healthy and peaceful harmony in the areas it works in.

Respect for human rights is a fundamental pillar of the Company for the development and sustainable growth of the productive sector. Accordingly, La nueva Amerisur has categorically affirmed its commitment and respect for human rights, as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the fundamental conventions of the International Labor Organization, among others.

Although protecting human rights is an obligation of the State, La nueva Amerisur has implemented an Early Management System to guarantee due diligence that permanently identifies risks and prevents and mitigates negative impacts on stakeholders resulting from its operations. The results of this System are periodically evaluated to determine their effectiveness and ensure continuous improvement of business practices and policies.

La nueva Amerisur furthermore guarantees attention to and registration and resolution of all requests and complaints from neighboring communities through the Cuéntame program, which assesses if specific complaints or situations affect any fundamental right and defines the necessary procedures or remediation mechanisms.

As part of its commitment to strengthening the Cuéntame program and promoting dialogue with communities, last November the Company opened an office at Carrera 18 #13-32 in the Las Americas neighborhood of Puerto Asis to hear at first-hand the concerns of neighbors of the Platanillo and PUT-8 blocks.

Since 2020 the new Amerisur has been working with the Ideas for Peace Foundation, an acknowledged think tank and partner in Human Rights and Business practices in the Colombian private sector, to continue improving its human rights standards by strengthening its due diligence mechanisms and promoting peacebuilding, sustainable development and the wellbeing of its neighboring communities.


For further information, write to informacion@amerisurresources.com